Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mom's Famous Fudge

I am sitting here waiting for 5:00 to roll around so that I can e-mail in my second to last final (yep he won't take it before 5:00 . . .) while indulging in yet another piece of fudge! (Hey I have been very stressed!) My mother makes the absolute best fudge that the world has ever seen! Her recipe is a little piece of heaven on earth (one that has paid a visit to my hips this week)! Growing up I always looked forward to my mom making homemade candies and bringing treats around to friends and neighbors! We had one Christmas cassette tape in particular that we played over and over, which I just loved, until someone yelled to turn it off. I would pop it into our big silver stereo (complete with record player and A-track), turn it up and go in the kitchen and help my mom, unless the candy was really hot, then I would lean away from the counter and watch her work . . . stirring quickly, sometimes spilling red food coloring on a good dish cloth, checking the candy thermometer's temperature not wanting to cook anything too long, buttering pans and unrolling wax paper, wondering aloud if she had added vanilla in already, then adding some more . . . it was always entertaining to watch! (Thanks Mutti!)
Their were always so many goodies that we looked forward to and so many recipes from family members and friends to pull out from different cookbooks, or that were written on envelopes from old letters, or on certain recipe cards that we identified by saying "its the one that had something spilled on it remember" or "it was written on the back of a grocery list." (those were treasures . . . we never re-wrote them, because they were better the way that they were!) Oh memories! But of all the goodies that were made I think fudge and toffee were the best! I tried to make toffee the first year that I was married and it just didn't turn out as good as my moms . . . but when I make my mom's fudge it just always is sinfully good! (Which is very dangerous during finals week!) I promise you that this is the best fudge you will ever have! It is SUPER rich and creamy and doesn't have that "cocoa" texture that some fudges do!
Recipe by: Mama P

1 can Evaporated Milk
2 Giant plain Hershey or Symphony Chocolate bars
1/2 cup Butter (use the real deal!)
5 cups Sugar
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
1 cup Miniature marshmallows
1 cup chopped nuts, optional

1. Chop the chocolate bars and set aside along with the 1 cup of marshmallows.
2. Melt butter in a large sauce pan over medium heat, add sugar and evaporated milk. Bring to a boil and cook for 4 minutes then remove from heat.
3. Add the chopped chocolate, mini marshmallows, and chopped nuts to the milk and sugar mixture. Stir until the choclate and marshmallows are melted. Pour into a 9x13 pan that has been lined with foil and then butter. Refrigerate until firm, cut into squares. Indulge and melt with pleasure!


  1. Wish you could send me some via email! Kiki and I were talking about this very thing today!

  2. Hi Emily! Hey, GMTA... hee hee, I just featured fudge on my blog, too.

    Yours looks positively picture perfect. I'm sure it tastes just as good. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

    And WOW, I'm so honored. Thank you for the awesome award, that is so SWEET of you. Words fail me, but please know that I'm truly thrilled about it!

    ((Hugs))!! ~m.

  3. Thank you Emily! What an honor. This award is much deserved for you. You have got an awesome blog!

  4. MMMmmm...I am gonna make a bunch of Christmas goodies here in a week or so and this one is at the top of my list! I can't wait for a day with no daycare kids, hopefully it's a rainy one, where i can turn on my Christmas tunes and bake away!
    I LoVe the holidays!
    Will we see you before Christmas???

  5. Congrats on the award. Good luck with your finals. The fudge looks tasty - I just recently made my first batch.

  6. This fudge looks wonderful. I love this time of year because it brings back so many memories, like the ones about your mom and making goodie plates. This would be a welcome addition to any Christmas goodie plate!

  7. This looks delicious and they are displayed so perfectly. :)

  8. Fudge is a great holiday treat! This looks fantastic!

  9. Fudge is one of my favorite treats this time of year! But you are absolutely right - not so kind on the hips!

    Love your blog btw!

  10. ohh..this looks so delicious. I am so excited to try ! Thanks for recipe.


Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!