Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Seafood Lasagna

I have to laugh over all of the hype and debate over Twilight. It is definitely different from Jane Eyre, Rainbow Six, The Gideon Trilogy, Night, The Three Musketeers, The Last Juror, (some of my recent reads) etc. but all books vary in the feel that they exhibit and the writing style . . . that is what makes them unique and amazing!
My hubby would definitely not enjoy Pride and Prejudice the way that I do, or think that Great Expectations would be a great afternoon read, but it is okay. We agree to disagree. Okay off of my soap box! (Thank you Prudy for your book enthusiasm! It is equally shared here!) I now want to go and read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" again!
I need a good book, I have gone back to my childhood a bit and am now reading a few by Gary Paulson. I remember reading Hatchet many times and being totally enthralled every time. I have read quite a few classics's lately but was miffed by The Three Musketeers. (I honestly prefer the movie!) I am caught up on all of John Grisham's, and Tom Clancy's, and am waiting for the third book in the Gideon Trilogy to come out and upon the recommendation of the kids in my Primary class have read Fablehaven as well (which I really liked). So if anyone has some good reads, let me know . . .
Seafood Lasagna
Recipe by: Emily

2 Cups Peeled and cooked shrimp, cut into bite size pieces
1 1/2 cups Crab meat, cut into bite size pieces (you can use scallops instead or imitation crab)
12 Lasagna Noodles, cook noodles according to package directions
3 1/2 cups Half and Half
3 cups Italian Shredded Cheese blend or Parmesan Cheese
2 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 Small Onion or 1 Leek, chopped (if you use a leek make sure you clean it very well!)
2 tsp butter
2 Tomatoes, sliced or diced

1. Cook the onion in the butter in a medium sauce pan over medium heat until translucent. Add minced garlic and cook for 2 more minutes. Stir in half and half and season with salt and pepper, lower heat and allow to barely simmer, stir in 1 1/2 cups cheese and stir until smooth and melted, add the seafood and turn off heat.
2. Spoon 3 tablespoon of sauce onto bottom of a 9x9 inch pan and spread out. Lay one layer of Lasagna noodles in the bottom of pan overlapping noodle. Spread Half of the seafood mixture over the noodles trying to get mostly the meat rather than the liquid(You need to reserve at least 1/2 cup of the white sauce for the top.)
3.Layer the tomato slices over the seafood, sprinkle with 1/4 cup of cheese and top with another layer of noodles. Spread the remaining seafood mixture over the noodles, sprinkle with more cheese and top with the last noodle layer. Spread the reserved white sauce over the top and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes until bubbly and browned on top. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes before serving to set up! Enjoy!

(I love leeks with seafood and tomatoes in this Lasagna! They go so well together!) If you don't feel like making lasagna, just use your favorite pastas (or whatever you have on hand) and mix everything together, sprinkle with cheese, and bake!


  1. Your lasagna sounds absolutely fantastic! It sounds like we love a lot of the same books. I'm so hooked on Great Expectations, I could read it any time over and over again. Dickens is my favorite, second is Austen. Bronte sisters are close thirds. My favorite modern author is Anne Tyler. Have you read any of hers? Thanks for reading all the fun comments re Twilight. I had no idea it was such a hot and controversial topic. Guess I should get out from under my rock once in a while. :)

  2. this sounds so delicious! I don't think I've ever tried a seafood lasagna!

    I really wish I had more time to read. But with the pregnancy, I'm jsut too exhausted when I get home from work that I'm lucky if I get dinner made or the laundry done! I think I'm one of the few alive who have not read the Twilight series...

  3. Mmmm.... this looks so good. I love your blog. All the food looks yummy!

  4. Prudy I am definitely going to look up Anne Tyler! I am always game for a good book!

  5. I love seafood lasagna. I had the best one in Italy...of course! Yours looks fantastic!

  6. What a great idea. I can't wait to try this! Speaking of seafood, do you like oysters? If so, check out the contest at - we're giving away 4 dozen of the finest Puget Sound Oysters

  7. This looks so good! I like it the way it is but my husband isn't a tomato fan . . . any suggestions as to substitutions??

  8. Holly my hubby suggested bacon instead of tomatoes (always his answer) but ironically it would be good. I really like tomatoes with crab, it really lightens it up. You can also just leave the tomatoes out all together and it is good. Avocado on the side is really good with this too!

  9. Your lasagna looks delicious! I will definitely give it a go. I just read a beautifully written "teen" book: Sold-I can't remember the author. It was a rough topic but it was written like poetry. I loved it. I just bought the Twilight book-I have to see what all the fuss is about!

  10. I just read her post! If you want to read my comment then you're going to have to go back and find it, but you might not like it since I browsed through some of them and saw that you were a fan. I loved the first one, but then the other 3 came along, and that's when the love came to a crashing halt.

    Have you read 'These is My Words' {forget the author at the moment} or Pearl Buck's 'The Good Earth'... two of my FAVES.

    This seafood lasagna sounds great too, sandwiched in there with all of these great reads!

  11. Those are so cute! I love the little individual dishes. I bet they are scrumptious!

  12. 9 Lasagna noodles cooked & drained, 1/2 teaspoon Basil crushed, 1 15 ounce Ricotta cheese, 1/4 teaspoon Black pepper, 1/2 cup Margarine, 1/2 cup Chives chopped, 1/2 cup Flour, 2 cups Mozzarella shredded, 2 cloves Garlic pressed, 1 pound Shrimp cooked, 1/2 teaspoon Salt,1 package Crab meat chopped
    2 cups Milk, 4 cups Mozzarella shredded, 2 cups Chicken broth, 1 piece Aluminum foil, Instructions for Seafood Lasagna Preheat oven to 350°F, Boil the noodles until al dente. Drain and rinse. Set aside, Chop crab and mix with the shrimp. Set aside, In a large saucepan, add the butter, flour, salt and garlic. Heat until bubbles. Remove from heat. Stir in milk a little at a time. Stir in chicken broth. Bring to a boil and boil 1 minute. Remove from heat. Add basil, chives, black pepper and 2 cups Mozzarella cheese, stirring until smooth., In a 9x12 casserole that has been sprayed with non-stick spray, spoon a thin layer of sauce in the bottom. Place 3 lasagna noodles. Spread 1/2 of the Ricotta cheese on the noodles. Layer with half of the meat, layer with sauce and top with more mozzarella cheese. Repeat layer. Top with the last 3 noodles and spread the remaining sauce on top. Sprinkle with more Mozzarella. Cover with the aluminum foil. Bake 35-40 minutes.

    Guaranteed ROI


Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!