Friday, December 26, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Roll Wreath

Mensch! Another Christmas has come and gone . . . too soon! I was a major slacker about blogging during this month . . . but I did make a ton of goodies and we had some great food . . . which is piling up in my fridge waiting for creative uses!
For breakfast Christmas morning we ate a Christmas wreath! (How festive are we!) I made it the day before actually and just iced it before we tore into it. I filled it with my favorite things in cinnamon rolls . . . chocolate chips, pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon! My mom always made cinnamon rolls with chocolate chips and that is just the way I like them! (I am NOT a raisin fan . . .)
It was great to wake up, open presents, eat breakfast, and hit the hay again for a little more snoozing. This Christmas just flew by! Which means school will be starting again in a little over a week! I need a little more breather time I think . . . or at least some serious fun for New Years to prep. for the coming semester! We'll see if I can get anything else whipped up in my kitchen before spring semester begins!

Dough Recipe
Recipe by: Mama P1/2 cup Warm Water
1.5 Tbsp Yeast
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Oil (I like to use butter instead)
2 cups Milk
1/2 cup Sugar
2 tsp Salt
6-8 cups Flour

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix milk, sugar and salt in a sauce pan and scald. After the milk mixture is cool add the eggs, oil an d yeast mixture. Add enough flour to make a soft dough. Cover and let rise until doubled in size. Roll out the dough into a rectangle until dough is about 1/3 an inch thick. Spread dough with melted butter, then sprinkle generously with cinnamon, sugar (white or brown), chocolate chips, and pecans. Roll into a log and transfer to a large sheet pan or pizza pan. Shape dough into a circle and crimp connecting ends together. Slice a little more than half way through the dough to form a circle of connected cinnamon rolls that you can fan out and over lap into a wreath shape. Raise until double and then bake in a preheated 375degree oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown on top.

You can use any filling that you want, another filling that I love is raspberry cheesecake!

For the icing I just mixed 1/3 cup softened butter, about 1 1/2 cups powder sugar and a couple of tablespoons of milk until I got the consistency that I desired and drizzled it over the top. You can also add green food coloring if you want to.


  1. oh my gosh this looks sooo good! i would of loved to have that on xmas morning!

  2. We have missed you guys!! Yeah, hopefully you can join us for a rockin new years eve party! :)
    That wreath looks like it was "a delight!"

  3. This looks heavenly!! I wish I were better with yeast. Is there a secret or something because the last thing I made came out hard. :(

  4. Oh my, that looks delicious! Perfection.

    Thank you for sharing the cherished recipe Emily. xo~m.

  5. What a wonderful breakfast treat!!

    To answer your question about the "Parry Rolls"...Parry is my dad's name so we just call the cinnamon rolls, Parry rolls, since he is the master baker! Everyone refers to them as Parry rolls!

  6. That looks simply delish!!! I love your blog and look forward to new posts in '09!

  7. O My Gosh my very Favorite!That looks awesome!It Show you Love baking!


Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!