Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chicken, Lime and Black Bean Soup

My handsome hubby got a new job today so we had a little fiesta after I got home from school tonight and enjoyed a new favorite of mine . . . Chicken, Lime, and Black Bean Soup!
I LOVE lime and cilantro! I am a gal of the southwest and am gung-ho for southwest and Mexican cuisine like no other! Whenever we go out to eat my hubby knows that I will most likely want Mexican food or something spicy! He is always game for sushi . . . but not always so much for some of my favorite places to eat . . . so I try not to choose them too often . . . sometimes he is beyond sweet and picks one even though I know it is not his fav!!!
That's my guy in a nutshell . . . he is always amazing and puts me first . . . I try to do the same . . . such as load up soup so it isn't so "soupy." My honey isn't too wild for it if it has tons of liquid so I load it up good with chicken and veggies! I am so making this soup the next time that we have company! In fact we have new neighbors (hint, hint me!) so I need to get in gear and have them over!
I also wish that I had time to run some down to my Mutti who has another sinus infection (painful and annoying!!!) poor lady! I hope that my little sisters made her some soup!!! Or maybe my dad (gulp) ventured into the kitchen . . . I don't know if that would ease my mom any though!?! (Tuna Omelets anyone?)
Em's Chicken, Lime, and Black Bean Soup
Recipe by: Emily4 Chicken breasts
4 cups Chicken Broth
1 can Black Beans (I prefer using low sodium, draining is optional)1 cup Celery, chopped
1 Medium Onion, chopped
4 cloves Garlic, minced
1/4-1/3 cup Lime juice
1/4-1/3 cup fresh Cilantro
1 Tbsp Butter
Poultry Seasoning
Red Pepper Flakes
Diced avocado, sour cream, and tortilla strips to garnish. (Pico would be awesome too!)

1. Lay chicken breasts on a baking sheet and squeeze 1 or 2 fresh lime wedges over each piece, then season lightly with poultry seasoning, a pinch of red pepper flakes, salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Roast in a 375 degree oven for 18-25 minutes or until cooked through. Once chicken is cooked cut into bite size cubes.
2. Chop 1 cup of celery, about 2 stalks (I like to use the celery leaves to flavor the soup and add some color too) and 1 medium onion. Saute celery and onion in a large sauce pan with 1 tablespoon of butter over medium heat until tender (about 10 minutes). Add the garlic and cook for 1 more minute, then add the chicken broth.
3. Bring the soup to a simmer and then add cilantro, chicken, and lime juice. Simmer for 2 or 3 minutes, taste, add additional seasoning if desired and then add the black beans. Remove from heat and serve garnished with diced avocado, sour cream, chopped cilantro, and tortilla strips. Enjoy!

(Draining and/or rinsing canned beans creates clearer soup broth. To make a darker, thicker soup use low sodium beans and don't rinse them. I rinsed mine this time, but I also like to use them unrinsed in some soups!)


  1. I made it first! This looks yummy, especially with the avacado on top. MMM MMM! I've missed seeing you in bloggy land girl! Take Care!

  2. Hmmm... looks completely refreshing, healthy and right up my alley! Thanks for sharing!


  3. The soup looks great! I love how colorful it is! And perfect for these cold days!

  4. I love Mexican food too. This soup is calling my name, it looks hearty, healthy and delicious.

  5. What a creative soup. You amaze me with your inventive recipes. thanks for sharing. I too love mexican food, and am a sucker for lime and cilantro. I wish I had some in my house right now. Darn!

  6. Emily, this looks deliciously comforting! :)

  7. Looks delicious Emily. I could eat soup all year round. I am loving those fab avocados!

  8. I just discovered your blog, and it's so much fun! I love the cute quotes and facts on the side. I'll be visiting this one often!

  9. This is my kind of soup! Looks delicious!

  10. What a great soup! It looks so perfect and warming.

  11. Soup looks outstanding and the flavors sound fantastic. Your blog is so interesting!! Glad I found it.


Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!