Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kudos to Kiki!

I have been busy with finals and with my hubby traveling a lot for work I have had no desire to cook anything lately . . . although as a stress reliever I did crank out a few batches of strawberry freezer jam . . . but I have to give Kudos to my little sister Kiki for her darling cake decorating skills! My niece turned 1 last week and we celebrated with a lady bug themed birthday party! I think the cake and cupcakes turned out darling! You have mad skills K! Way to go! And happy birthday to you today! Are you really 23? Getting up there babe!


  1. Wow - what cute lady bugs - I am very impressed!

  2. Oh, just so adorable! Happy birthday to your sis and niece!

  3. Way too cute for words! Hope it was a terrific day and party!

  4. What an absolutely adorable cake. I love it, it is too cute!

  5. SO CUTE! And good luck with finals!


Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!