Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Roasted Garlic and Mushroom Lasagna

Heads up . . . a little venting here! Two petpeeves today . . . people who do not put their shopping carts away . . . leaving them 8 feet from the cart stall or who leave them in parking stalls, or better yet who push them to the planter and leave them hanging over the edge. Common curtesy kids! Have we really gotten SO LAZY that we can't walk 3 more feet to put our carts away? I challenge everyone to do one simple thing that is for the betterment of all: put your shopping carts away! . . . and if you see one (or 2) hanging out where it does not belong . . . put it away! Also another heads up because I think MANY drivers either forgot or never learned that double yellow lines are not made to be crossed over so you can make left hand turns where you shouldn't be, nor should you be driving in a lane that is made for oncoming traffic to turn!!! Click here to brush up on Utah driving laws. Okay venting done! I hope everyone is having a good week . . . and to make your week even better bake up a batch of Roasted Garlic Mushroom Lasagna . . . it returned my sanity today! Off to make some caramel popcorn for YW's tonight!Roasted Garlic and Mushroom Lasagna
Recipe by: Emily

2 cups Milk
1/4 cup Flour
4 Tbsp Butter
1-2 cloves Roasted Garlic
1 1/2 cup Shredded Italian Cheese Blend
2 lbs Mushrooms, I used baby Portobella's, sliced
1/2 lb Lasagna Noodles
4 Tbsp Butter
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
pinch of Nutmeg

1.Bring Milk to a simmer in a small sauce pan, turn off heat. Melt butter in another sauce pan and add flour. Cook for 1 minute stirring constantly. Add the hot milk to the butter/flour mixture and whisk together. Add 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper, a pinch of nutmeg and 1 teaspoon of salt. Continue whisking until the sauce begins to thicken, add roasted garlic and wisk until mixed into sauce. Remove from heat and set aside.
2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add 2 tbsp of salt and cook lasagna noodles according to package directions, once noodles are cooked drizzle and toss lightly with olive oil to prevent noodles from sticking to each other.
3.Add 1 tablespoon of butter to a large frying pan over medium heat. Add 1/4 of the sliced mushrooms and brown over medium heat. Set mushrooms aside in a bowl and cook the remaining mushrooms in small batches until browned.
4. To assemble the lasagna: spoon a couple of spoonfuls of sauce into the bottom of an 8x8 inch baking pan and spread all of the bottom. Layer lasagna noodles over the sauce and then spoon more sauce over the noodles and spread evenly over noodles. Add 1/3 of the cooked mushrooms for the next layer, then sprinkle with 1/4 of the shredded cheese. Continue to layer noodles, sauce, mushrooms and cheese with the last layers being noodles, sauce and cheese. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 20-25 minutes, until the top is lightly browned and bubbly. Allow lasagna to sit for 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy!


  1. My ears perk up at any mention of roasted garlic!
    Crazy driving was definitely in the air in my neighborhood today. People think they're indestructible!

  2. Emaline, that looks like some seriously delicious lasagna! Must try soon!

  3. This looks delicious and naughty, doesn't it?

    Gotta say my supermarket pet peeve is when people stand in the middle of the aisle so you can't get by and seem totally unaware. Grr.

  4. Love the new look of your site!

  5. Emaline!

    Love your new blog design! Are you responsible for this? it's so cute!

    First things first. You are frickin' erstaunlich, frau!!! Look at your cakes. Have you ever considered going into the cake baking buiz? Will you teach me how to use fondant? It's on my goal list this year.

    Second, was kalter hund hard to make? Honestly, ever since I had it with the Rakows in Dahlem, it's been in the back of my wee little mind. And yours looks delightful!

    Third, I wish we could see each other in person. I think it about every time I hit up your blog. Just to let ya know.


  6. Katie I so agree! I tried fondant one day and now I am hooked!!! It takes a little practice but it really isn't killer hard.
    Kalter hund wasn't hard to make . . . I would use one less layer of cookies next time and maybe even use graham crackers. Also it has to be refrigerated . . . it melts at room temperature.
    Um yeah I would love to spend a day with you in the kitchen like no other! I think about that all the time too! One day Kate! One day! Also congrats again!!! Your little Hejo is delicious and now get another angel! Sweet!

  7. Hi. I just stumbled upon your darling blog and love it. Love the cowboy cake.

  8. Love your blog and as a fellow Utahan i had to laugh at the double yellow line.


  9. My mom and I are planning on making this recipe next week. It sounds AMAZING by the way :)I was curious as to how long you are suppose to roast the garlic for in the oven?

    My mouth is watering just thinking about this... YUMMMMM!!!


Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!