Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Young Women's Birthday Party Cake

Cake . . . cake . . . and more cake! I was tickled pink to get to make a birthday cake for our Young Women's night activity! We had a huge birthday party to celebrate the birthdays for all of the girls in our Young Womens! It was so much fun and such a great way to get to know the girls!!! (Also proved that you are NEVER too old to play pin the tail on the donkey!) I am glad that the girls liked the cake!!! I had a fiasco trying to get a pink color that I liked and finally created a swirly tie-died look by mixing white fondant and a deep pink fondant together. I though that it was pretty cool . . . especially with the white fondant covered cake! If I had time I would have loved to have made some lily's as toppers because it had a tropical look to it but . . . another time. The pictures aren't the best because I forgot my camera and had to use my phone to take them . . . live and learn. Anywho . . . happy birthday gals! Love you and I am so excited for my calling!
Also you may have noticed a bit of a face lift here at the Open Pantry . . . I plan on blogging about that in my next entry but here is a heads up to Rachel at Remember this Designs who has done such a masterful job revamping my blog!I also love the theme this year . . .


  1. EM! DARLING CAKE! K i just got put into YW's too! What is your calling? I am Beehive Advisor. Scared to teach !! AHH!
    LOVE your new bloggie! Go rachel! She is awesome isn't she?! And the crepes up on your header...I WANT SOME RIGHT NOW!:)
    lOVE YA

  2. Bran no way! Me too! We have to swap ideas for activities etc! Yeah I could go for some crepes too . . . too tired to make them . . . where's my hubby?

  3. gorgeous cake, as always! fun calling. i haven't done yw yet, but i bet it would be a lot of fun. your blog looks wonderful!

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Welcome, Welcome! Thanks for saying hi! You just made my day! Happy Cooking!